Welcome to Larkholme Primary School. We are very proud of our school and its achievements and developments, and we pride ourselves on our proven ability to ensure all our children are happy, safe and reach their individual potential.
Our aim is to provide the best possible educational experience for the children in our care – one where they will develop positive attitudes and aspirations of themselves, to others and to the communities they contribute to.
We do this by having high expectations of them and of ourselves, by encouraging children to be independent, confident individuals and by encouraging them to make the most of the opportunities provided for them.
Of course we want the children to fulfil their full potential and achieve highly, but we also recognise how important it is for them to be happy and so provide a warm and welcoming environment for your children. It is with confidence that I can assure you of the commitment of everyone in our school to provide your children with a happy, secure learning environment within which they can grow and develop during the next seven years.
We firmly believe that the time in Primary School should be a partnership between home and school and I hope that the coming years will see us working together to lead our children through the challenges and opportunities of school life. Good communication between families and school helps to ensure a smooth partnership and also enables teachers to learn more about individual children from the adult that knows them best. We have an open door policy, so please feel free at any time to come and see us if you have any problems, issues or are not quite sure about something. We are always here to help.
Our website will provide you with information about our school; its aims, curriculum and activities, as well as the way in which it is organised, and the people who will work with your child. I hope it will also give you an insight into our approach to teaching and learning.
But of course our website can only give a flavour of life in our school. The type of school we are can only be judged by visiting us and we hope that you will come and see for yourselves exactly what we are like. We believe you will find a happy, hardworking, caring school where both the children and teachers are enjoying the process of teaching and learning together.
On behalf of Staff, Governors and myself we hope that your child experiences the many delights of Primary Education and that this is their first step on the journey of lifelong learning.
Welcome to Larkholme.
Ms Claire Gilmour