• We will create a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment in which all children can grow in confidence, develop their full potential and where academic excellence can be achieved.
  • We will provide a nurturing environment and value and recognise the uniqueness of every child.
  • We will equip the children with the resilience and perseverance to become creative and independent thinkers and to become learners for life.
  • We will provide engaging and varied learning activities across the full breadth of the National Curriculum and equip the children with a thorough understanding of the basic skills of English, Mathematics, Science and Computing.
  • We will challenge the children’s minds and bodies and give them a desire to learn and achieve.
  • We will promote British Values and ensure the children become caring, tolerant and respectful citizens within the school and wider communities.
  • We will prepare children well for the next steps in their lives by promoting self-discipline and the positive mindset which will allow them to aim high in all they do.
  • We will ensure children know how to keep themselves safe when using technology.