Year 1
Year 2
Year 3 and Year 4

Year 5 and Year 6

Online Safety
Online Safety forms a key part of our computing curriculum and links closely with PSHE and safeguarding. We have regular lessons on how to safe online, we involve other agencies and hold parent workshops. We also share advice to parents via our website and facebook page.
Online-safety-scheme-KS1 Online-safety-scheme-KS2.docxSafer Internet Day 2023
On Safer Internet we discussed and looked at images of technology in the past. We discussed and recorded what we would like technology to look like in the future.

The children learnt that influencers use their online platforms to influence the way people think, feel and act. They discussed how influencers can have a positive or a negative effect on people’s lives after looking at different examples. The children then designed their own influencer who uses their power for good.

Online Safety Workshop for Parents
Lego workshop