At Larkholme, we believe on offering our pupils different opportunities to enrich their experiences. This may be after school clubs, special visitors, trips or specialist events in school.

Autumn Enrichment


Spring Enrichment


We would like to say a huge well done to our AMAZING Year 6 for their fabulous performance last night.

Our Golden Ticket Raffle winners really enjoyed their Little Zoo to You visit. In September we will be starting the new raffle and the children will be able to select the award.

Year 6 residential

Sports Day

Yesterday Year 6 had their trip to the Pleasure Beach. We all had an amazing time. We were very proud of how many people commented on the excellent behaviour of Year 6. Thank you very much to Mr Ronson for organising such a fab day and to all of the staff who volunteered. Finally, a huge well done to our amazing Year 6!

On Friday Eco Club harvested our first crop of garlic. We also had to harvest our onions as they had bolted due to the weather. We have left some of our onions in the ground so that they can flower and we can collect the seeds. We look forward to using these in our cooking.

We had a visit from Hardeep and Amrit today who are part of the Building Bridges Programme which supports our RE curriculum. They did a whole school assembly about Sikhism and then followed this up with an interactive session with our year 5 and 6 pupils. A big thank you to Hardeep and Amrit for presenting the information in such an interesting and engaging way. The children learnt lots of new facts about Sikhism and had the opportunity to ask questions about this faith. 

Some students from Rossall School came to speak to our year 5 and 6 pupils about their different religions. We learnt what it was like to follow different faiths including Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism. We would like to say a big thank you to Rossall for giving up their time to come and speak to us.  It was great to listen to such inspirational young people and learn about their different beliefs. Our pupils were really engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the session. They had the opportunity to ask questions and learnt lots of interesting facts – who would have known that one Buddhist festival involves a water fight in the streets!

Reception had a marvellous time at the zoo yesterday. Their behaviour was brilliant and their teachers were very proud of them!

Today Eco Club worked with our Chair of Governors (thank you Mrs Atkinson) to weed our big planters. Then they met with the Premises Committee and were able to ask the governors questions about the school. Including asking the governors to investigate about solar panels for the school and how our waste removal is managed!

Taking part in the RHS Big Grow

Jayne from Fleetwood in Bloom came in to help Eco Club to create a wildflower area. Eco Club did a great job so hopefully we will have wild flowers in a few weeks.

Thank you to Jayne for her guidance this afternoon.

Naomi from the Salvation Army came into visit Year 3 and Year 4. She shared a story about the Salvation Army and God and how they help people.

Reading Cafe

We had two Sikh visitors in school yesterday who talked to our children about their religion and beliefs. This is part of the Building Bridges programme where we have made links with other religions and have invited them into school to support our RE curriculum.

Dr Armrit and Hardeep visited to teach the children about the Sikh faith. They talked about the origins, the Gurus, the five Ks, gender equality, head coverings, the importance of food, training that they go through e.g Marshall arts and so much more. They played songs, showed videos and gave a presentation. The children were able to look at and handle the artefacts.

We would like to say a huge thank you to them both for a fantastic day!

Another great lunchtime using the loose parts play!

Plant Sale

Donation from Asda

Thank you Asda Fleetwood for our plants!

Fleetwood Town Community Trust

Today, Larkholme Primary School Year 6 had their SATS stress session. Utilising the acronym ‘BREATHE’ they covered lots of stress reducing activities such as breathing, relaxing strategies, energy levels and support systems

Resilient Reader Awards

Golden Ticket Reward

Our KS1 Golden Ticket Award Winners got to meet Gemma and a few of her friends: Mee-chelle the African Land Snail, Millie the African Millipede, Jagger the Bearded Dragon, Cruella the Scorpion, Kellogg’s the Corn Snake and Bean the Guinea Pig!

Our KS2 Golden Ticket Raffle winners went on an adventure day to Thistleton with Commando Dave. We had a great time playing nerf wars, hide and seek, climbing the rope ladder, completing the obstacle course, toasting marshmallows and just having fun.

Our Choir

A huge well done to our choir who performed at the Marine Hall last night- they were sensational!

A massive thank you to Mr Hall for all his time and dedication in preparing the choir. We would also like to thank all the volunteers who assisted last night.

A wonderful evening was had by all.

Assembly from Darran (WISE)

Today we had another visit from Darran, who works for WISE(Waste Investigations, Support & Enforcement), and on behalf of Wyre Council. He came in to lead an assembly on the importance of putting litter in the bin and recycling, reducing and reusing where we can. He also gave out prizes to the winners of our poster competition- well done to all our winners!

A big thank you to Darran for coming back to visit us again.

Fleetwood in Bloom

Today Eco club worked with Jayne from Fleetwood in Bloom and Councillor Harry Swatton to plant some beautiful polyanthus. They had to prepare them for planting and will be caring for them all season.

Thank you to the parents who have donated planters as we have used these today. Have a look next time you come to the school office.

Eco Club

Eco club did a fantastic job at the Mount today, building a dead hedge and planting some trees. A huge thank you to Georgia from Wyre for inviting us and to Mr Bradley from Rossall for driving us. Eco club really enjoyed making a difference in their local community- well done!

Crucial Crew Even for Year 6

On Thursday 22nd February, Year 6 attended Crucial Crew event at YMCA Lofthouse Building in Fleetwood. The event provides children with life skills that will help to keep themselves and others safe.

All the children had a great time during all of the interactive workshops. These workshops included: the fire service, the police, the paramedic service, The CO Crew, the National Coastwatch and We Are With You who spoke about the dangers of vaping.

Parent Winter Craft Workshop

Mental Health and Well being with FTFC.

Rachel is working with Year 6 on strategies for managing stress and worries. They have been discussing healthy strategies for coping. Rachel then invited some players from Fleetwood Town to talk to the children about their own experiences.

Year 3 and Year 4 Visit to Liverpool World Museum

As part of their history unit Year 3 and Year 4 visited the museum and took part in a mummification workshop!

Article in the Gazette

Visit and Assembly from Darran (WISE)

Today we had a visit from Darran, who works for WISE(Waste Investigations, Support & Enforcement), and on behalf of Wyre Council. First of all he went with Eco club on litter pick and we filled 4 bin bags worth of rubbish! He then led a whole school assembly and we discussed why littering is bad for the environment. He also made links to the rule of law explaining that littering is a criminal offence and fines can be more than £100. If it goes to court costs can be up to £2500! The children were very passionate talking about reducing the amount of litter in order to protect the environment and their future.

Thank you to Darran for his time and kind donation of extra litter pickers as well as to Eco Club for their work this afternoon.


We are very excited to be taking part in Elmer’s Big Parade Blackpool.

We have collected the children’s designs and used these to create our final Elmer design. Over the next few weeks the children will be painting Elmer ready for his big debut!

Over this term we will be doing some fundraising towards our Elmer- so keep a look out for upcoming events!

Visit from FTFC Players

Singing at Rossall Chapel

The Choir Singing at our Local Care Home


Wreath Making Workshop.

First Aid in Year 5 and Year 6

Visit from the Coastguard.

Visit from Hedgehog Rescue Blackpool

Planting Bulbs at the Mount

Remembrance Day

Planting a tree nursery- Eco Club

Author Visit

Workshop from Fleetwood Civic Society

Phonics and Reading Workshop for Reception and Year 1

African Dance Workshop for Reception and KS1

Assembly Delivered by the Scouting Association

Level 5 RHS School Gardening Award

Football Team

Year 4 Wild Camping

OAL Well Being Parent Workshop

Careers Fair for Year 6

Fun and Adventure

Maths Escape Room Challenge

Glee Club performance

Commando Dave Experience- supporting problem solving and resilience building

Visitors to support the curriculum

Sewing Club

Fleetwood High Maths Competition

Stranger Danger assembly delivered by PCSOs

Joe Garner visited Y5/6 to talk about mental well-being as part of the HeadStart project with Fleetwood town community Trust.

Year 5 trumpet performance

Sing-a-long with pupils and parents at the chapel

Mental Health Player Visit

Glow in the dark dodge ball

Assembly from Rev Kate

Dance Festival

Hockey Festival

Year 5 and Year 6 Visit to Rossall Observatory.

Year 1 Visit to Rossall Chapel

Yoga for Well Being

Visitors for Remembrance Day

Year 5 Trumpets

Science Club

Year 3 Team Building

Play Leaders


Year 3 Cooking at Rossall